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Selectmen Minutes 12/13/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
December 13, 2012

Members present:  Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Budget Committee Members present:  Marlene Hammond, Norman LaRochelle, Steve MacCleery, Ed Millette, Don Peterman, Michael Williams, Jason Weir
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Lucille Noel, John Martell, Carol Frekey-Harkness

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 6:00pm.  

2013 Budget

Heritage:  There were no changes to the budget for this year.  Ms. Noel presented the breakdown of expected expenditures and projects for the 2013 year.  There was a discussion about whether the Commission needed to hire a professional to do the master plan.  Ms. Noel said the Commission has done as much work as they can on the plan and would like a professional to assist in putting it together.  There were no changes.

EMD:  The EMD expense line was budgeted for $1 this year.  John said he pays for any expenses out of his own pocket.  There was a discussion of the line.  It was the intent to make the line $1 so that it would not be over budgeted since there has been no expenditures in several years.  The Board does not want the Director to pay for the expenses himself.

Line 4290-12 was changed to $250.

Highway:  Fuel numbers were based on an average of 6800 gallons of diesel and 1900 gallons of gasoline.  There was a discussion about vehicle maintenance.  The Town seems to be spending a lot of money on an aging highway fleet.  The Road Agent suggested renting an excavator.  The grader only gets used 7 weeks out of the year.  Renting one may not be practical.  Regionalization was discussed.

4312-17 was changed to $6,000
4312-26 was changed to $2,950
The heat was based on 1600 gallons / year
4312-31 was changed to $4,560
4312-37 will be changed to the actual price paid for disposal when Nancy looks up the number.

Mr. DeBold asked for some of the intended projects under the asphalt line.  The Road Agent plans to do the upper part of Pleasant and Burnt Hill.  There are also plans to shim the remainder of East Ricker.  

The Road Agent would like to title of the bridges sub line to also reflect culverts.

There was a discussion about the warrant articles.  The Town Administrator wrote up the draft articles as given to her by the Department Heads.  This was not representative of what the CIP recommended.  There was further discussion about what should be on the warrant and should articles that the Select board does not recommend even be on the warrant.   The individual articles were not discussed.  Nancy will make an appointment with the Road Advisory Committee to speak on the warrants.

Executive:  The Town Administrator reviewed the numbers.  Postage is up due to the revaluation next year.  The question came up as to whether notices could be emailed instead of mailed.  The IT line is up significantly.  The Town is losing its long time IT consultant.  The new bids are considerable higher.  The idea of regionalization was discussed on this subject as well.

4194-11 was changed to $3,695

Old Home Day:  The $2,000 appropriation from the Town makes the fireworks possible.  The cost to put on Old Home Day is approximately $7,200 about $5,300 is obtained through fundraising.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:52.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman           Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold